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Bigger Breasts & Breast Growth Without Hormone Injections


The dangers of hormone injections

Hormone injections made into the breast are extremely risky and hazardous to your overall health. These unregulated injections are often performed by unlicensed individuals and many patients have experienced very dangerous results. Additionally, no doctors will actually go on record as saying that they would recommend this route to any woman who does not have an existing hormonal imbalance. This is surely not an option for most all young, healthy women who are merely looking to increase their bust line.

Why are hormone injections so dangerous?

These hormone injections are full of estrogen which is not advisable to add into a women's body unless she already has a hormonal imbalance where she has a very small amount of it in the first place. For women initially seeking out this method to enlarge their breasts this is rarely the case. This is not a common route to breast enhancement for women for a reason-it is simply to dangerous and the rewards do not outweigh the risks. Do your research and make sure that you are choosing natural methods to enhance your breasts.

Hormone injections for fuller breasts cause more harm than good

Here is a list of possible side effects that can be developed from taking hormone injections:

  • breast pain or tenderness
  • upset stomach
  • vomiting
  • weight gain or loss
  • dizziness
  • nervousness
  • depression
  • irritability
  • changes in sexual desire
  • hair loss
  • unwanted hair growth
  • spotty darkening of the skin on the face
  • difficulty wearing contact lenses
  • leg cramps
  • swelling, redness, burning, itching, or irritation of the vagina
  • vaginal discharge
  • bulging eyes
  • pain, swelling, or tenderness in the stomach
  • loss of appetite
  • weakness
  • yellowing of the skin or eyes
  • joint pain
  • movements that are difficult to control
  • rash or blisters
  • hives
  • itching
  • swelling of the eyes, face, tongue, throat, hands, arms, feet, ankles, or lower legs
  • hoarseness
  • difficulty breathing or swallowing

In addition to these horrific and debilitating side effects. You are also at a higher risk of developing cancer of the ovaries and gallbladder, as well as breast cancer. These deadly cancers may even cause your breasts to be removed which completely negates the effect of taking these hormone injections in the first place.

Is there a safe alternative to growing bigger breasts in a natural and safe manner?

Breast enhancement creams like Naturaful Breast Cream are the BEST option for women trying to increase their bust line because there are absolutely no side effects associated with using breast enhancement creams. There is no downtime, no doctors, and best of all, no pain involved whatsoever.


Naturaful Breast Cream is full of natural ingredients that are not at all harmful to the body. The gentle cream and massage technique that go with it help to stimulate the blood flow and hormone growth to the breast area. The process is completely natural, healthy, and organic.


So the question is: Why go through a painful procedure or surgery when you can grow breast tissue the natural way? Your health comes first, so consider the side effect free choice with Naturaful Breast Cream.


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